Trinity Grammar School Wood Green


1950s Gallery

1957 Christmas Party - Sixth Form

Photo and names supplied by Colin Hale (photographer unknown)

Back row – upper left to right: Roger Doherty - Colin Hale – Mary Parker-Smith – Terry Burn – Marian Eveleigh – Tony Gale – Margaret Wilson – Kemal Ghafur – Ernie Piper – (?) – John Leader

Middle row – left to right: Bernie Bower – Susan Curley – Angela Hunt – Pam Tomkins (Cotsford) – Anita Phillips – Valerie Clifton – Yvonne Kiddell

Front row – left to right: Colin Adams – Irene Lowson – Gillian Leversage – Jim Steele - Ruth Johnston – David Battersby – Thelma Hodgson

1957 Party Time 1954 Year

Probably a 1957 year party as Derek Aldersley left in 1958 and 4th year seems right.

Names by Peter Turner.

From left: Roger Turner, Jean Meeuwissen, Peter Haines, Jean Anderson, Derek Aldersley, Michael Hardcastle, Margaret Hum

1957 Christmas Party

This party seems to feature mostly 1954 Entry Year pupils but some faces are unfamiliar, so it could have been a party for several entry years.

Front: John Wright

Back: Janet Welch (obscured by cup)

Far right is Derek Aldersley with Peter Haines behind holding a cup.

1957 Christmas Party

This party seems to be for mostly 1954 Entry Year pupils but other faces are not familiar so it may have been for several middle school years.

Front far left: Janet Welch in light coloured dress, smiling at the camera. Behind her, with back to wall, could be Roger Faulkner

Boys facing the camera from left: Brian Woodhall, Peter Haines and Derek Aldersley.

1957 Christmas Party

This photo features mostly 1954 Entry Year pupils but some faces are unfamiliar, so it could have been for middle school years

Left: looking at camera is Malcolm Sell

Centre: Derek Aldersley in light coloured jacket, Peter Haines and Alan Barter on another table, looking at the camera

1958 1st XI Cricket

Photo and names supplied by Kemal Ghafur,1951 pupil.

BACK ROW Wentworth Bethune, John Douglas, Tony France, Phil Rawlings, Bill Bhagat, ? Smith.

FRONT ROW John Jones, Kemal Ghafur, Mr Dalrymple, Peter Hamblin, Mr Penny, Peter Watson.

1958 2nd XI Football

Photo and names supplied by Kemal Ghafur, 1951 pupil, with additions by Peter Turner, 1954 pupil.

BACK ROW Kemal Ghafur, Peter Watson, Peter Hamblin, Phil Rawlings, John Jones, David Holland, Jeff Castle, ?.

FRONT ROW ? Smith, John Pelling, Mr Dalrymple, Wentworth Bethune, ?, John Labarte.

1958 Athletics Team

Photo and names supplied by Donald Smith, 1954 pupil, who is in the front row.

BACK ROW ?, Tony Dimitriades, Nigel Pegrum, Doug Barnes, John Morriss?, John Labarte, ?, Peter Jarvis.

CENTRE ROW Wentworth Bethune, ?, ?, ?, David Holland, ?, Martin Hunt, Rodney Delieu, Alan Sutton.

FRONT ROW Brian Woodhall, Donald Smith, Tony Betts, Peter Kenway, Mr Gunn, Mr Dalrymple, John Miller, Roger Butt, John Purser.

1958 Celebrating Hooligans in Trinity Gardens, May 1958

Photo taken by Peter Kenway and scanned by Colin Marr, 1951 pupil, who is at the rear with head hardly visible. Names by Colin Marr, Peter Kenway and Bruce Rimmer, with details of identification by Colin Marr. Most are 1951 pupils, with some 1952 pupils?

Paul Droy (centre aloft waving a stick) with Tony Keen, crouched on left, and all the others in order from left to right: Extreme left - Chris Tew (with broom), Brian Smith, Barrie Long, Peter Hamblin, Ernie "Chubb" Piper, Tony Gale (sitting on the barrow), Colin Marr, Mick Martin, Dave Bentley (with his thumb up), Bruce Rimmer, Roy Griffiths, Doug Battersby, Tony Jones (holding shovel) and Eddie Trebble on the extreme right.

Note by Peter Kenway in April 2010: I cannot remember why we were celebrating, letting our hair down before exams in June?. Or was I just celebrating my new camera? We "borrowed" the cart from the road sweeper who was at lunch and who had been cleaning the paths in Trinity Gardens next to the school. Needless to add that the cart was returned in good condition when we had finished with it.

Note by Bruce Rimmer in May 2010: I do remember the photograph and the hooligans involved and can confirm that it was May 1958 when I was in the Lower Sixth and I think we hijacked the cart. I am the one in the lab coat on the right - I must have had a chemistry practical that day, so that is my excuse!

Chemistry Class  April 1958 (1952 intake)

"Testing acidity using Methyl orange Titration to assess pH value"

BACK L to R:  David Battersby, David Bentley

FRONT L to R:   Barry Long, Tom Doig


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