Photo and names supplied by Audrey Frost, now Hardwick, 1937 pupil. who is in the centre row.
The alteration of Terence Mangold to Norman is from Carole Gracey, Norman's daughter who reports he died recently, 2020, at the age of 94 and that he joined the Royal Hampshires in November 1943 and fought in World War 2
BACK ROW Stan Bury, Marjorie Kennedy, Mercie Edwards, Jock Hutchinson, Thelma Port, Peggie Turner, Joyce Strawbridge, Brenda Garner, Michael Burnett.
CENTRE ROW Ron Lowen, Joyce Collins, Norma Forbes, Fred Welsh, Stan Lowen, Edgar Price, Norman Mangold, Audrey Frost, Kathleen Wilkins.
FRONT ROW Joan Heigho, Denis Fyford, Horace Gold, John Guthrie, Gabriel Rees, Leslie Diwell, George Golding, Ernie Harrison, Bob Griffiiths.
Photo and names supplied by Sheila Payne 1937, who is in the centre row. The form master was Mr Dixon who taught French and German.
BACK ROW Bruce Cumming, Hazel Moore, Trevor Lewis. Leslie Dennis, Leslie Gill, Constance Dieckmann, Sylvia Wilson, Ronald Ratcliffe.
CENTRE ROW Doreen Powell, Lilian Parson, Catherine Shillito, Bernard Chinn, Edward Waller, Geoffrey Thwaites, Sheila Payne, Alma Brodie, Kenneth Coleman.
FRONT ROW Margaret Newmarsh, Muriel Fletcher, Anthony Bully, Edwin Soper, Peter Nixon, June Morris, Kathleen Morley, Norman Wadden, Ronald Roberts.
Photo scanned from page 114 of the school history compiled by Don Grammer in 1999 - Trinity: A School with a Past
This photo in the book is captioned as 1938, but as there is another with this same name, further checks indicate this must be year 1937-1938 to match other faces and photos
Photo and names supplied by Mildred Davey, 1935 pupil, now in Victoria, Australia. It proved impossible to download three enlarged sections in the last weeks of 2016. More notes are on the printed page version but as yet are not copied as the background is too black.
BACK ROW ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?
CENTRE ROW ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?
FRONT ROW Mildred Davey, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, Brian Leslie Day, ?, Gladys Houghton.
Photo scanned from the school history compiled by Don Grammer in 1999: Trinity: A School with a Past
Well known teachers shown here are, far right as viewed, Mr Brandon, in shorts, and two places on his right is Mr Eustance
Photo scanned from page 181 of the school history compiled by Don Grammer in 1999 - Trinity: A School with a Past
Photo scanned from page 179 of the school history compiled by Don Grammer in 1999 - Trinity: A School with a Past
The fashionable camper, teacher Max Penney, waits on arrival at Llanaber station, near Barmouth, for the 1938 summer camp with pupil George Horn in view
Photo scanned from page 176 of the school history compiled by Don Grammer in 1999 - Trinity: A School with a Past
Photo and notes by Alan Tufnell, 1938, and Richard Bennett, 1948, who identified his brother, Norman, in the back row.
BACK ROW ?, ?, Longstaff, ?, ?, ? Norman Bennett, ?.
CENTRE ROW ?, ?, ?, Grace Marsh, Schofield, Pauline Cannon, Marie Evans, ?, George Brown, ?, ?.
FRONT ROW Stanley Buswell, ?, Alan Tufnell, ?, ?, ?, Beryl Cole, Thomas Badkin, ?, ?.
Photo scanned from page 138 of the school history compiled by Don Grammer in 1999 - Trinity: A School with a Past
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